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Classic Vinyl!

Heyday of the Automobile: ROLLO video classic!

Buy Original Vinyl 45 from 1980!

CD cover - Don't Look

Rollo's CD Don't Look Available Now.

Buy ROLLO music!

Why "Rollo"?

The name "Rollo" derives from the literary character created by Jacob Abbott as reinterpreted by Charles Ives. Learn more.
Upcoming Performances

Now on iTunes!

iTunes logo For the first time, Rollo songs can be streamed, previewed, and purchased on iTunes, as well as sites such as Amazon.com and Spotify.

Rollo Progeny Create Music Videos

Children of Rollo have written, produced, directed, and acted in two new music videos based on Rollo songs. Check out these enactments of "Playing Detective," which appears on the new Rollo CD, as well as "Cover girl," a classic Rollo hit never before available except in rare bootlegged cassette tapes.

Listen on Spotify!

Dueling Press Releases

Rollo has created two alternate press releases to announce the release of their new CD, "Don't Look." The twin, "dueling" announcements allow newspapers, magazines, and other media to customize their response to this important news event with either an extravagantly exaggerated version of the truth, or a version that is, more or less, accurate. Learn more.

Rollo Performance Log Finally Online

After years gathering digital dust on Rollo's computer hard drive, images of Rollo's legendary performance postcards, never before published, are now online, accessible by clicking here or clicking the "About" button on the red menu bar. In addition to these graphic images, the site contains a record of all Rollo (and The Guise, precursor of Rollo) gigs from the late 1970s and early 1980s. High-resolution images of gig postcards and other memorabilia can be found by using the "Archives" link on the menu bar.

Rollo Lyrics Online

The full, unabridged lyrics for the songs on Rollo's CD can be found here. Don't "line the pan" on Rollo tunes anymore!

More Videos on the Rollo Rocks YouTube Channel

Find new Rollo videos, including not only songs from the "Don't Look" CD, but also never-before-published classics from Rollo's early days, on our Rollo Rocks YouTube channel.
Rollo is...
Jon Ochshorn

Dan Smullyan

Kurt Ochshorn

Rollo at the farm Aug 2009
Where are they now?

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